Each year, the CSCC invites leading experts to Penn to present their research and share their knowledge about contemporary China. Typically scheduled for Wednesday afternoons 4:30-6 pm, speakers will deliver their remarks and then entertain questions from the audience. Attendance is open to the entire Penn community. Announcements about upcoming talks will be posted on the CSCC website and disseminated via the Center’s listserv. To be added to the listserv, please visit our signup page https://groups.sas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/cscc-announce.
Upcoming Speaker Series
David Nelson Rowe, China, and How the History of IR’s New Right Was Lost
Robert Vitalis, Professor of Political Science Emeritus, University of Pennsylvania
“Simply put, China was an integral part of what made the “New Right” new. –Joyce Mao
“Twenty years is about the length of time it takes a group of academics to storm the ramparts, take the…
China and Climate Change: Transnational Science, Politics, and Policy in Historical Perspectives
Zuoyue Wang, Professor of History, California State Polytechnic University
In the burgeoning field of historical studies of climate change, few studies exist that focus on Chinese policy making and US-China scientific interactions in the early years. In this talk I review Chinese public…
A Case for Dualism in the Chinese Legal System
Hualing Fu, Professor of Law, Warren Chan Professor in Human Rights and Responsibilities, University of Hong Kong
The Chinese legal system embodies a unique duality under a constitutional trinity: the Communist Party's leadership, responsiveness to popular demand, and legality. The Party's dominance is central, and its prerogative…
Guanchang Meixue: Heart Distress and Aesthetic Attunement in China’s Bureaucracy
Jie Yang, Professor of Anthropology, Simon Fraser University
The “aesthetic turn” in both political thought and mental health care centers around Western aesthetics and Euro-American psychology. This paper attempts to indigenize both by focusing on “bureaucratic aesthetics” in…
The Future of the South China Sea Dispute: Perspectives from the Philippines
Justice Antonio Carpio, Supreme Court of the Philippines
Co-sponsored by Perry World House.
The South China Sea and the West Philippine Sea remain geopolitically fraught locations. The People’s Republic of China has successfully militarized the region…
Elizabeth Wishnick, Senior Research Scholar, Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University
Past Speaker Series
Understanding the Event-Transformed Social Structure of Sino-Japanese Relations
Ming Wan, Professor of Government and Politics, George Mason University
The contemporary Sino-Japanese relationship can best be understood as being shaped by the social structures the two nations have constructed, which continue to be challenged by material and ideational forces. The…
(CANCELLED) Coercive Institutions and State Violence Under Authoritarianism
Sheena Chestnut Greitens, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Missouri; Non-Resident Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution
Why do we observe widely differing patterns of repression and state violence under authoritarian rule? Drawing on evidence from East Asia, I argue that the design of authoritarian coercive…
Cybersecurity and US-China Relations
James Mulvenon, Vice President, Intelligence Division, Defense Group Inc.
Cyber issues, including industrial espionage, Internet censorship, technology protectionism, and network warfare, are now at the top of the US-China strategic agenda. Dr. James Mulvenon, author of …
Promoting Social Progress in China Through NGOs
Song Qinghua, President of Shining Stone Community Action (SSCA)
Song Qinghua is a renowned NGO leader and president of Shining Stone Community Action, the NGO she founded in 2002. Song Qinghua has been focusing on social innovation and participatory governance since 2002…
China and International Human Rights
Sophie Richardson, Human Rights Watch
Sophie Richardson is the China director at Human Rights Watch. A graduate of the University of Virginia, the Hopkins-Nanjing Program, and Oberlin College, Dr. Richardson is the…
Rights Protections Lawyers in China
Thomas Kellogg, Open Society Foundations
Thomas Kellogg is director of the East Asia Program at the Open Society Foundations. He is also a lecturer-in-law at Columbia Law School. At the Open Society Foundations, Kellogg focuses most closely on…
The Rights Defense Movement and Political Transition in China
Teng Biao, Human Rights Attorney
Dr. Teng Biao (滕彪) is a Lecturer at China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, where he specializes in human rights, the judicial system, the constitution and social movements.…
Arguing for Justice: Public Opinion, Legal Controversy, and the 'Chinese Dream'
Joshua Rosenzweig, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Joshua Rosenzweig’s scholarship focuses on issues of human rights in contemporary China, including criminal justice and reaction to political dissent. He has taught at the Chinese University of Hong…
Some Reflection on the Democratic Movement in Hong Kong
Johannes Chan, Professor of Law, University of Hong Kong
Johannes Chan specializes in human rights, constitutional and administrative law, and has published widely in these fields. His recent books include Law of the Hong Kong Constitution (…
China’s Legal System--or Governing by Diktats
Stéphanie Balme, Columbia University Law School Alliance Program Visiting Professor
This talk presents some results of a study which assesses recent decades of legal reform in China. Constructing and analyzing a dataset of all laws and administrative regulations promulgated between 1978 and 2014, it…