Speaker Series

Each year, the CSCC invites leading experts to Penn to present their research and share their knowledge about contemporary China. Typically scheduled for Wednesday afternoons 4:30-6 pm, speakers will deliver their remarks and then entertain questions from the audience. Attendance is open to the entire Penn community. Announcements about upcoming talks will be posted on the CSCC website and disseminated via the Center’s listserv. To be added to the listserv, please visit our signup page https://groups.sas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/cscc-announce.

Upcoming Speaker Series


David Nelson Rowe, China, and How the History of IR’s New Right Was Lost

Robert Vitalis, Professor of Political Science Emeritus, University of Pennsylvania
- Conference Room, PCPSE Room 418, 133 S. 36th St

“Simply put, China was an integral part of what made the “New Right” new. –Joyce Mao

“Twenty years is about the length of time it takes a group of academics to storm the ramparts, take the…


China and Climate Change: Transnational Science, Politics, and Policy in Historical Perspectives

Zuoyue Wang, Professor of History, California State Polytechnic University
- CSCC Conference Room, PCPSE Room 418, 133 S. 36th St

In the burgeoning field of historical studies of climate change, few studies exist that focus on Chinese policy making and US-China scientific interactions in the early years. In this talk I review Chinese public…


A Case for Dualism in the Chinese Legal System

Hualing Fu, Professor of Law, Warren Chan Professor in Human Rights and Responsibilities, University of Hong Kong
- CSCC Conference Room, PCPSE Room 418, 133 S. 36th St

The Chinese legal system embodies a unique duality under a constitutional trinity: the Communist Party's leadership, responsiveness to popular demand, and legality. The Party's dominance is central, and its prerogative…


Guanchang Meixue: Heart Distress and Aesthetic Attunement in China’s Bureaucracy

Jie Yang, Professor of Anthropology, Simon Fraser University
- CSCC Conference Room, PCPSE Room 418, 133 S. 36th St

The “aesthetic turn” in both political thought and mental health care centers around Western aesthetics and Euro-American psychology. This paper attempts to indigenize both by focusing on “bureaucratic aesthetics” in…


The Future of the South China Sea Dispute: Perspectives from the Philippines

Justice Antonio Carpio, Supreme Court of the Philippines
- CSCC Conference Room, PCPSE Room 418, 133 S. 36th St

Co-sponsored by Perry World House.

The South China Sea and the West Philippine Sea remain geopolitically fraught locations. The People’s Republic of China has successfully militarized the region…



Elizabeth Wishnick, Senior Research Scholar, Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University
- CSCC Conference Room, PCPSE Room 418, 133 S. 36th St

Past Speaker Series


(Self-)Disciplining the Corporation: FCPA Practice, Compliance, and Global Anti-Corruption Regimes in China

Matt Erie, Associate Professor of Modern Chinese Studies, University of Oxford
ANNS 111, Annenberg School for Communication

An expansive literature examines the question of norm diffusion and legal transplantation, particularly in regards to democracy, transparency, and human rights, in the developing world, and, especially, China. To the…


Whither Reform in China?: An Insider's Perspective

Jingzhou Tao, Managing Partner, Dechert LLP
ANNS 111, Annenberg School for Communication

Jingzhou Tao is the Managing Partner responsible for developing the Asia Practice of Dechert LLP. He has advised many Fortune 500 companies on…


China's national identity discourse and foreign policy

Yinan He, Department of International Relations, Associate Professor, Lehigh University   
ANNS 111, Annenberg School for Communication, 3620 Walnut Street


The Presence of the Past in a Fast-Changing China

Jeff Wasserstrom, Chancellor's Professor of History, UC Irvine
CSCC Conference Room, Fisher-Bennett 345

This talk will draw on material from the author's new edited volume, The Oxford Illustrated History of Modern China,…


What happens in the wombs under the dome? Air pollution in China and fetal development and birth outcomes

Dr. Zhao Qingguo, Guangdong Women and Children Hospital and Guangzhou Medical University
McNeil Building 103

Qingguo Zhao is the Vice President of Guangdong Women and Children Hospital, in Guangdong Province, South China, and Professor in Guangzhou Medical University. His general research interest is in women's and children…


Anti-Corruption Reforms and Shareholder Valuations: Event Study Evidence from China

Bernie Yeung,  Stephen Raidy Distinguished Professor of Finance and Strategic Management, National University of Singapore Business School  
CSCC Conference Room, Fisher-Bennett 345

Chinese share prices rose sharply on the Politburo’s Dec. 4th 2012 announcement of its Eight-point Regulation, an uncharacteristically detailed and concrete Party policy, initiating an extensive anti-corruption…


Is China trying to push the U.S. out of East Asia?

Wang Dong, Associate Professor of International Relations, Peking University
CSCC Conference Room, Fisher-Bennett 345

Is China trying to push the United States out of East Asia and build a China-dominated regional order? The answer to this question will to a great extent determine whether or not the future trajectory of the…


China Outbound Business: Opportunities and Challenges

Dr. Wang Huiyao, Founder and President, Center for China & Globalization
John M. Huntsman Hall F90, 3730 Walnut St

With China’s newly launched "One Belt and one Road" strategic policy approach and the upcoming 13th Five-Year Planning period, the globalization of Chinese enterprises will have rapid growth. What types of…


U.S., China, and East Asian Regionalism: Is the Pacific Wide Enough?

Shiping Tang, Professor at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
ANNS 111, Annenberg School for Communication

A gap within the existing literature on regionalism is that it has yet to bring together intra- and inter- regional bargaining. By this, we mean that regional initiatives operate in the shadow of extra-regional…


The South China Sea Dispute in the Philippines v. PRC Arbitration: Taiwan’s Concern and Response

Yann-Huei Song, Academia Sinica
CSCC Conference Room, Fisher-Bennett 345

The arbitration tribunal in the Philippines vs. PRC dispute over the South China Sea is likely to issue its final award later this year. The issues before the tribunal include China’s claim to historic rights, the 9…