More than forty years after the normalization of relations between the United States and China, the relationship faces new and fundamental challenges with global implications. The long-standing consensus supporting a U.S. policy of engagement has collapsed. Some see a “new Cold War” as likely, and perhaps necessary. There is no ready template for a relationship between two great powers that are deeply interdependent, yet increasingly see one another as rivals and possibly adversaries.
The Center for the Study of Contemporary China’s Project on the Future of U.S.-China Relations (“FUSCR”)brings together twenty scholars with expertise on the key issue areas in contemporary US-China relations (“Project Fellows”)--along with several eminent senior academics and practitioners who serve as advisers--to offer assessments and make recommendations on U.S. policies toward China on questions of national security, economic competitiveness and trade, technology, climate and environment, research and education, and human rights, law, and democracy.
The Project launched with a series of virtual talks in May 2020 by senior advisers, followed by an opening plenary conference in June 2020, where Project Fellows presented initial drafts of their policy papers. The Policy Papers were first posted on the Project website beginning in September 2020. Updated versions of the papers were posted in Spring 2021. Webinars hosted by the National Committee on US-China Relations and Penn’s Perry World House showcased the Project’s work and featured presentations by Project Fellows in Spring 2021. In June 2022, a dozen Project Fellows spoke at a “China Bootcamp” for congressional staff, co-organized with the Center for Strategic and International Studies and held at the Penn-Biden Center in Washington, DC. Project Fellows also met with senior government officials and staff.
Briefings for US policymakers and staff, journalists, and the public are ongoing. Please see CSCC’s events calendar for information on attending activities that are open to the public.
The CSCC Project on the Future of U.S.-China Relations is supported by generous grants from the University of Pennsylvania’s China Research & Engagement Fund and from the Henry Luce Foundation.
Past Project on the Future of U.S.-China Relations
Congressional Bootcamp: Internal Dynamics Shaping Xi’s China
Drawing on insights from CSIS, the University of Pennsylvania Center for the Study of Contemporary China, and leading experts around the country, this course will explore a variety of perspectives on the domestic…
Higher Education and U.S.-China Relations
(Click here to register for the webinar)
The downturn in U.S.-China relations has strained once robust educational and research ties.…
U.S.-China Climate Cooperation: The Path Forward
Click here to register for the webinar.
The United States and China jointly account for 40 percent of global greenhouse emissions, so avoiding…
The World Today presents: U.S.-China Relations and the Biden Administration
The Biden administration faces a long list of urgent foreign policy…
New Perspectives on US-China Relations: Technology
Penn Project on the Future of US-China Relations Fall 2020 Webinar Series
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New Perspectives on US-China Relations: Climate & Environment
Penn Project on the Future of US-China Relations Fall 2020 Webinar Series
Please register to receive webinar login at: https://www.…
New Perspectives on US-China Relations: Human Rights, Law, & Democracy
Penn Project on the Future of US-China Relations Fall 2020 Webinar Series
Please register to receive webinar login at: https://www.…
New Perspectives on US-China Relations: Research, Education, & Academic Freedom
Penn Project on the Future of US-China Relations Fall 2020 Webinar Series
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New Perspectives on US-China Relations: Trade & Competitiveness
Penn Project on the Future of US-China Relations Fall 2020 Webinar Series
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New Perspectives on US-China Relations: National Security
Penn Project on the Future of US-China Relations Fall 2020 Webinar Series
Please register to receive webinar login at: https://www.…