Weekly Forums

In addition to the regular speaker series and other co-sponsored events, CSCC convenes an informal “Weekly Forum,” noon on weekdays in the CSCC conference room. These sessions are envisioned as “brown-bag lunches” at which graduate students or faculty can informally introduce or present work in progress. This will be a great way for all of us to get to know one another and learn more about the kinds of work on contemporary China being done across Penn’s campus. Please email us your thoughts and suggestions on how to best organize the Friday Forum and to let us know when you would like to volunteer to discuss some of your work. Even on days when no discussion is scheduled, people are welcome to bring their lunch to eat with others in the CSCC conference room.

Past Weekly Forums


China's Economic Statecraft in Asia and Europe

James Reilly, Associate Professor of Government and International Relations, University of Sydney
CSCC Conference Room, Fisher-Bennett 345

Never in world history has one government had so much control over so much wealth.Tempted by their broad authority over China’s massive economy, Chinese leaders deploy economic resources in attempts to influence…


Does Centralized Judicial Control Mitigate Local Protectionism in China?

Empirical Study of China Supreme People’s Court’s Decisions on Non-enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (1995-2015)
Shen Wei, Dean & Professor of Law, Shandong University Law School
CSCC Conference Room, Fisher-Bennett 345

To fight against local protectionism in court enforcement proceedings, China’s Supreme People’s Court issued a notice requiring intermediate courts have to receive the Supreme People’s Court’s approval before…


Observations on China’s Judicial Reforms

Xixin Wang, Professor of Law, Peking University Law School
CSCC conference room, Fisher-Bennett 345

Xixin Wang, Vice dean and Professor of Peking University Law School, was appointed as an Associate Chief Judge of Administrative Division of Supreme People's Court of China by NPC's Standing Committee in April 2015.…


Covering China: The People and the Power

Edward Wong, Beijing Bureau Chief, The New York Times
CSCC Conference Room, Fisher-Bennett 345

Edward Wong, the Beijing Bureau Chief of The New York Times, talks about his nine years of reporting on China and the challenges faced by Western news organizations in an increasingly authoritarian era.


Networking China: The Digital Transformation of the Chinese Economy

Yu Hong, Assistant Professor of Communication & Journalism, University of Southern California
CSCC Conference Room, Fisher-Bennett 345

In recent years, China's leaders have taken decisive action to transform information, communications, and technology (ICT) into the nation’s next pillar industry. Networking China offers an overdue examination of…


Material Nostalgia for the Cultural Revolution Era: The Affective Practices of Revolutionary Music in Contemporary China

Shelley Zhang, Graduate Student, Department of Music, University of Pennsylvania
CSCC Conference Room, Fisher-Bennett 345

In this project, I investigate the re-popularization of material culture and music from the Cultural Revolution in contemporary China. Specifically, I explore how my interlocutors from the Hunan province celebrated…


Diverging Globalizations: National and Sectoral Pathways to Development in China and India

Roselyn Hsueh, Associate Professor of Political Science, Temple University
Center for the Advanced Study of India 3600 Market Street, Suite 560 (5th floor)

China and India are two large, developing countries that have globalized and undergone tremendous development in the last several decades. Yet, they have taken separate paths toward globalization. Dr. Hsueh…


Studying and Working in China

Francis Miller, Senior Academic Consultant, AIC Education
CSCC Conference Room, Fisher-Bennett 345

Are you studying Chinese, but aren’t sure about studying abroad? Are you interested in working or interning in China, but aren’t sure how to get started? Hear Francis Miller EALC ’13 share the good, the bad, and the…


From Economic to Social Media Experiments: The Tensions of Fragmented Authoritarianism

Maria Repnikova, Assistant Professor, Georgia State University; Kecheng Fang, Ph.D. candidate, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania
CSCC Conference Room, Fisher-Bennett 345

This study examines the latest media experiment under President Xi that aims at revitalizing the Internet by creating new party-funded digital media outlets nationally. Specifically, the paper analyses the model of…


Making Bureaucracy Work: Patronage Networks and Government Performance in China

Junyan Jiang, Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for the Study of Contemporary China
CSCC Conference Room, Fisher-Bennett 345

What makes a bureaucracy effective? Conventional theories of bureaucratic effectiveness draw a sharp distinction between high-performing Weberian and low-performing patrimonial administrations, yet this dichotomy…