Each year, the CSCC invites leading experts to Penn to present their research and share their knowledge about contemporary China. Typically scheduled for Wednesday afternoons 4:30-6 pm, speakers will deliver their remarks and then entertain questions from the audience. Attendance is open to the entire Penn community. Announcements about upcoming talks will be posted on the CSCC website and disseminated via the Center’s listserv. To be added to the listserv, please visit our signup page https://groups.sas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/cscc-announce.
Upcoming Speaker Series
The Authoritarian Commons: Neighborhood Democratization in Urban China
Shitong Qiao, Professor of Law, Duke University
Based on six-year fieldwork across China including over 200 in-depth interviews, Qiao’s new book The…
Americans in Chinese Courts
Yanbai Andrea Wang, Assistant Professor of Law, Penn Carey Law
The U.S.‑China relationship has come to be defined by geopolitical rivalry. The siren is loud and everywhere, even engulfing civil litigation. This talk examines the U.S.-China relationship from a quieter, more…
David Nelson Rowe, China, and How the History of IR’s New Right Was Lost
Robert Vitalis, Professor of Political Science Emeritus, University of Pennsylvania
“Simply put, China was an integral part of what made the “New Right” new. –Joyce Mao
“Twenty years is about the length of time it takes a group of academics to storm the ramparts, take the…
China and Climate Change: Transnational Science, Politics, and Policy in Historical Perspectives
Zuoyue Wang, Professor of History, California State Polytechnic University
A Case for Dualism in the Chinese Legal System
Hualing Fu, Professor of Law, Warren Chan Professor in Human Rights and Responsibilities, University of Hong Kong
The Chinese legal system embodies a unique duality under a constitutional trinity: the Communist Party's leadership, responsiveness to popular demand, and legality. The Party's dominance is central, and its prerogative…
Guanchang Meixue: Heart Distress and Aesthetic Attunement in China’s Bureaucracy
Jie Yang, Professor of Anthropology, Simon Fraser University
The “aesthetic turn” in both political thought and mental health care centers around Western aesthetics and Euro-American psychology. This paper attempts to indigenize both by focusing on “bureaucratic aesthetics” in…
The Future of the South China Sea Dispute: Perspectives from the Philippines
Justice Antonio Carpio, Supreme Court of the Philippines
Co-sponsored by Perry World House.
The South China Sea and the West Philippine Sea remain geopolitically fraught locations. The People’s Republic of China has successfully militarized the region…
Elizabeth Wishnick, Senior Research Scholar, Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University
Past Speaker Series
Prototype Nation: China and the Contested Promise of Innovation
Silvia Lindtner, Associate Professor, University of Michigan School of Information
Please register to receive Zoom login at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/prototype-nation-…
How Perilous are Paper Fans? Public Diplomacy through Confucius Classrooms and Implications for Chinese Influence
China and International Relations Series
Naima Green-Riley, Ph.D. Candidate and Raymond Vernon Fellow, Department of Government, Harvard University
Co-sponsored with the Browne Center for International Politics.
(Please respond to yuanzeng@upenn.edu to receive Zoom link)
Public Assembly via Affective Technologies: Like Buttons, Sentiment Analysis, and the Transmission of Positive Energy
Angela Wu, Assistant Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication, New York University
Please register at: …
Maximizing Leverage: China’s Strategic Force Posture Choices in the Information Age
China and International Relations Series
Fiona Cunningham, Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Affairs, George Washington University
Co-sponsored with the Browne Center for International Politics.
(Please respond to yuanzeng@upenn.edu to receive Zoom link)
The Law and Politics of Transnational War Reparations in Contemporary China
Timothy Webster, Associate Professor of Law, Western New England University
Please register to receive Zoom login at: https://www.…
China's Urban Champions: The Politics of Spatial Development
Kyle Jaros, Associate Professor of Political Economy, University of Oxford
The rise of major metropolises across China since the 1990s has been a double-edged sword: although big cities function as economic powerhouses, concentrated urban growth can worsen regional inequalities, governance…
Disenfranchised: The Rise and Fall of Industrial Citizenship in China
Joel Andreas, Associate Professor of Sociology, Johns Hopkins University
In this book talk, Professor Andreas recounts the tumultuous events that have shaped and reshaped authority relations in Chinese factories over the past seven decades. He introduces a general theoretical framework, …
2019 CHINA Town Hall
National Committee on U.S.-China Relations
Join communities across the United States in a national conversation on China. Featuring an interactive national webcast panel at 6pm moderated by George Stephanopoulos, joined by expert panelists …
Asymmetrical Neighbors: Borderland State Building between China and Southeast Asia
Enze Han, Associate Professor, Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Hong Kong
Is the process of state building a unilateral, national venture, or is it something more collaborative, taking place in the interstices between adjoining countries? To answer this question, this book takes a…
Paper Tigers, Hidden Dragons: Firms and the Political Economy of China's Technological Development
Judith and Marshall Meyer Lectures on China’s Economy
Douglas Fuller, Associate Professor of International Studies, City University of Hong Kong
China presents us with a conundrum. How has a developing country with a spectacularly inefficient financial system…