Trafficking Data: How China is Winning the Battle for Digital Sovereignty

Aynne Kokas, Associate Professor of Media Studies, University of Virginia
- CSCC Conference Room, 133 S. 36th St, Room 418

Co-sponsored by Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication

Professor Kokas…


China’s 20th Party Congress: What Did We Learn?

- CSCC Conference Room, 133 S. 36th St, Room 418

Please join us for a CSCC community round table to discuss the CCP’s 20th Party Congress. Several of our colleagues will offer “pump-priming” remarks on implications for the economy (including the state’s role),…


Constrain Bureaucratic Zealotry for Zero-Covid: Conflicting Goals in China’s Policymaking

Hongshen Zhu, CSCC Postdoctoral Fellow
- CSCC Conference Room, 133 S. 36th St, Room 418

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the ruling communist party of China decentralized pandemic control decision making, but held local officials accountable for pandemic control with sanctions, creating a single-minded…


The Tiger Leading the Dragon: How Taiwan Propelled China’s Economic Rise

Shelley Rigger, Brown Professor of Political Science, Davidson College
- CSCC Conference Room, 133 S. 36th St, Room 418

Professor Rigger discusses her new book "The Tiger Leading the Dragon: How Taiwan Propelled China’s Economic Rise". How did…


Clash of the Titans? Development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technologies in the U.S. and China

Nan Jia, Associate Professor of Management and Organization, USC Marshall School of Business
- Virtual Talk via Zoom

Professor Nan Jia's Bio

As one of the most important technology advancements in our era, Artificial intelligence (AI) stands to fundamentally…


Micro-institutional Foundations of Capitalism: Sectoral Pathways to Globalization in China, India, and Russia

Roselyn Hsueh, Associate Professor of Political Science, Temple University
- Rm. 200, Perelman Center for Political Science and Economics (PCPSE), 133 S. 36th St

Professor Roselyn Hsueh discusses her new book, Micro-institutional Foundations of Capitalism: Sectoral…


Daring to Struggle: China's Global Ambitions Under Xi Jinping

Bates Gill, Professor of Asia-Pacific Security St​udies, Macquarie University;  Executive Director, Center for China Analysis, Asia Society Policy Institute
- CSCC Conference Room, 133 S. 36th St, Room 418

Professor Bates Gill discusses his new book Daring to Struggle: China's Global Ambitions Under Xi Jinping(Oxford…


China's Two-Child Policy and the Gender Implication

Yuying Tong, Professor of Sociology, Chinese University of Hong Kong
- CSCC Conference Room, 133 S. 36th St, Room 418

The universal two-child policy since 2016 in China did not lead to a significant increase in fertility, and the new three-child policy in 2021 has also become a hard sell. Many public debates have discussed the…


Congressional Bootcamp: Internal Dynamics Shaping Xi’s China

Jun 27, 2022 - Jun 28, 2022 at - 101 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, D.C. 20001

Drawing on insights from CSIS, the University of Pennsylvania Center for the Study of Contemporary China, and leading experts around the country, this course will explore a variety of perspectives on the domestic…


CSCC 10th Anniversary & Postdoc Reunion Symposium

Jun 3, 2022 - Jun 4, 2022 at - CSCC Conference Room, 133 S. 36th St, Suite 416, Philadelphia

June 3, 9:15 -10:15 AM

Opening Remarks

Haohan Chen, University of Hong Kong

Listen to the Party! Understanding Emotional Propaganda in Authoritarian China with An Audio-As…