Rule by Campaign: Do Laws on the Books Matter in China?
John Wagner Givens, Associate Professor of International Studies, Spelman College

Does rule of law govern behavior in China or do campaigns, scandals, and social media hold more sway? Drawing from a unique dataset of 15 million observations, we delve into environmental issues, suing the governments, police reform, and domestic violence in China as well as their responses to formal legal changes, shedding light on the depth of China's commitment to rule of law. We uncover the interplay between law on the books and real-world behavior in China and what it means for the future of governance in China and for online legal services, including those powered by AI.
Dr. John Wagner Givens is an associate professor in the international studies department at Spelman College. He earned his doctorate in politics from the University of Oxford and his masters degree in Asian Studies from the University of California Berkeley. He has been interviewed by Georgia Public Broadcasting and Chinese Central Television and has published in a variety of venues including China Quarterly, The Review of Policy Research, Fordham Urban Law Journal, Wisconsin International Law Journal, New Global Studies, Journal of East Asian Studies, War on the Rocks, and Newsweek.