National Committee on US-China Relations CHINA Town Hall 2022: Onsite Speaker & National Webinar Watch Party
Jon M. Huntsman Jr (webinar). & Jean-Pierre Cabestan (onsite at Penn)

Co-sponsored by Foreign Policy Research Institute
Join former US Ambassador to China, Russia, and Singapore Jon M. Huntsman Jr. for the National Committee on US-China Relations “China Town Hall 2022,” a nationwide virtual conversation, including Q&A. From supply chains to national security, new technologies to climate change, the future of the United States and China will be determined by their relations with one another and the global community. As one of few Americans to personally know Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, Ambassador Huntsman will discuss the ways America can cooperate and compete with China, as both countries confront the most critical issues of the 21st century.
Before the webinar, join us for a talk and discussion with Jean-Pierre Cabestan on War or Peace with China: Risks of Conflict over Taiwan
Jean-Pierre Cabestan is Emeritus Senior Researcher at the French Center for Scientific Research, Paris, and Emeritus Professor of Political Science, Department of Government and International Studies at Hong Kong Baptist University. He is also associate researcher at the Asia Centre, Paris and at the French Centre for Research on Contemporary China, Hong Kong. He has published widely on Chinese politics and law, China’s foreign and security policies, China-Africa relations, China-Taiwan relations and Taiwanese politics. His most recent publications are China Tomorrow: Democracy or Dictatorship?, Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2019 and Demain la Chine: guerre ou paix? (China Tomorrow: War or Peace?), Paris, Gallimard, 2021, due to be published in English by Rowman & Littlefield in early 2023.
Informal dinner (pizza) will be provided. Please RSVP (requested but not required) at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/national-committee-on-us-china-relations-china-town-hall-2022-tickets-463732304807