Policing China: Street-Level Cops in the Shadow of Protest
Suzanne Scoggins, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Clark University

Suzanne Scoggins will discuss her recent book, Policing China: Street-Level Cops in the Shadow of Protest. Assessing the problems of resources, enforcement, and oversight that beset the police in China, Scoggins finds that the central government and the Ministry of Public Security have prioritized "stability maintenance" (weiwen) to the detriment of nearly every other aspect of policing. Using interviews with police officers up and down the hierarchy, as well as station data, news reports, and social media postings, the book probes challenges faced by ground-level officers and their superiors at the Ministry of Public Security as they attempt to do their jobs in the face of funding limitations, reform challenges, and structural issues. Policing China concludes that despite the social control exerted by China's powerful bureaucracies, security failures at the street level have undermined Chinese citizens' trust in the legitimacy of the police and the capabilities of the state.
This event will be held on-site in the CSCC conference room, but with a Zoom option.
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