

Some Reflection on the Democratic Movement in Hong Kong

Johannes Chan, Professor of Law, University of Hong Kong
| Fisher-Bennett 345, CSCC Conference Room

Johannes Chan specializes in human rights, constitutional and administrative law, and has published widely in these fields. His recent books include Law of the Hong Kong Constitution (with C L Lim, 2011), Reflections at the Academia (翰林隨筆: 在公義路上的反思), General Principles of Hong Kong Law (香港法概論)(with Albert Chen & Others, 2nd ed, 2009), Hong Kong Human Rights Bibliography (2006); Hong Kong’s Constitutional Debates (with Lison Harris, 2005); and Immigration Law and Policy in Hong Kong: An Inter-Disciplinary Study (with Bart Rwezaura, 2004). He is also one of the founding editors of Hong Kong Public Law Reports.