Zhiqiu Benson Zhou received his Ph.D. in Communication Studies with a certificate in Gender and Sexuality Studies from Northwestern University. His research explores topics that straddle the intersection of sexuality, race, digital media, and popular culture. His current book project examines how transnational media technologies, cultures, and businesses have shaped the perceptions of ideal gayness in China. It sheds light on the emergence of sexual norms and sexual hierarchies in Chinese queer communities. His research has been supported and recognized by the American Council of Learned Societies, the National Communication Association, the American Anthropological Association, and the Association for Asian Studies. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in the Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, Feminist Media Studies, and the Journal of Asian Studies. In addition, he is working on several projects that explore digital queer culture, cyber racism, and transgender media.
Zhiqiu Benson Zhou

Assistant Professor, NYU Shanghai 2020-2022 CSCC Postdoctoral Fellow