

Negotiating Legality: Chinese Companies in the US Legal System

Book Talk

Ji Li, John S. & Marilyn Long Chair of US-China Business and Law, UC Irvine

12:15pm - 1:30pm | CSCC Conference Room, PCPSE Room 418, 133 S. 36th St
Ji Li

Despite escalating geopolitical rivalry, the US and China continue to be economically intertwined. Numerous Chinese companies have made substantial investments in the US and are reluctant to exit this strategically important market. While the global expansion of Chinese companies has ignited intense policy and academic debates, their interactions with complex host-state legal systems have largely escaped systematic examination. To fill this knowledge gap, Negotiating Legality introduces a dual institutional framework and applies it to analyzing extensive interviews and multi-year survey data, thereby shedding light on how Chinese companies develop in-house legal capacities, engage with US legal professionals, and navigate litigation in US courts. As the first comprehensive investigation of these crucial topics, this book is indispensable for anyone interested in China's rise, its global impacts-especially on legal systems of developed nations like the US-and the intricate dynamics of US-China relations.

Open to all, informal lunch provided. This event is held onsite with a Zoom session. Please register below for Zoom access:
