

Protesting for Democracy, Locally and Globally

The World Today Series

Sarah Bush, Lightning Scholar at Perry World House, Associate Professor of Political Science at Yale University; Jacques deLisle, Stephen A. Cozen Professor of Law, University of Pennsylvania; Jocelyn Perry, Global Shifts Program Manager, Perry World House.

5:30pm - 6:30pm | Perry World House, Social Policy Lab, 3803 Locust Walk

This edition of The World Today will speak to the global pro-democracy protests taking place, from Hong Kong to Russia, Algeria to Malawi. Framed by a theoretical discussion of democracy promotion, Perry World House Lightning Scholar Sarah Bush will discuss what we can learn from studying past pro-democracy movements around the world. Penn professor Jacques deLisle and Perry World House program manager Jocelyn Perry will then contextualize the protest movements within their local circumstances, focusing on Hong Kong and Malawi. Input on commonalities and differences from experts on other geographic regions and situations is welcome and encouraged during the discussion portion of the event.