

Comparative Approaches to Regulation in India and China Conferenc

Oct 23, 2015 - Oct 24, 2015 | Silverman 245A

Leading scholars, policy-makers and practitioners from law and related fields will present their perspectives on topics within the conference theme. Papers will address patterns and challenges of regulation in the following issue areas, with one paper in each area focusing in India and another on China:

  • Patterns of / Approaches to regulation in China and India (comparisons and contrasts)
  • Competition/Antitrust law (the aims and effects of regulation)
  • Patent law, with a focus on pharmaceuticals (including access and quality issues)
  • Regulating corporate / financial sector behavior (with a focus on corporate governance issues)
  • Environmental regulation (and enforcement of environmental standards) 

Keynote Speakers:

Khalid Malik, Former Director, UNDP Human Development Report Office

Anna Wu Hung-Yuk, Chairperson Competitions Commission


Co-hosted by

Penn Law Center for Asian Law

Penn Law Center for Technology, Innovation and Competition

Penn Center for the Study of Contemporary China

Penn Center for the Advanced Study of India

Penn Global

Open to all. Please see attachment for full conference agenda.