Each year, the Center organizes an academic conference focused on topics consistent with the mission to study contemporary China. These annual conferences focus on themes proposed by Penn faculty and will feature leading experts on contemporary China from institutions around the world who will present original research papers and serve as discussants. Conference papers will be revised for publication— in edited volumes, special issues of academic journals, and/or working papers issued by the Center. The CSCC’s Executive Committee will evaluate proposals for organizing each academic year’s annual conference. Penn faculty may submit proposals to cscc-contact@sas.upenn.edu. Proposals are accepted on a rolling basis with a decision about the following year’s conference announced no later than April 30. If there is more than one outstanding proposal, or two complementary proposals, the Executive Committee could decide to fund two conferences for consecutive years. It is also possible that less expensive or smaller scale conferences in some years would permit funding more than one.
The conferences, the research that precedes them and the publications that follow them will contribute significantly to the quantity, quality and prominence of Penn-centered research on contemporary China, including especially the research agendas of Penn faculty in the field. Unless special circumstances make it impractical, attendance at the CSCC annual conferences is open to Penn faculty, staff, and students who are encouraged to participate in reading the papers and engaging the authors in the question and answer sessions that will follow the presentations. Penn graduate or advanced undergraduate students who are interested in playing a more active in the conference (e.g., as paper discussants, research assistants serving as rapporteurs, or helping to prepare conference proceedings for dissemination) should contact the CSCC at cscc-contact@sas.upenn.edu
Upcoming Conferences
Past Conferences
Thirty Years of the Internet in China: A Retrospective
Jointly organized by Center on Digital Culture and Society and Center for the Study of Contemporary China, University of Pennsylvania. Zoom option available for invited guests, and for the public during…
US, China, and the Global South
CSCC 10th Annual Conference
The world is moving beyond the COVID-19 pandemic and concerns about economic development have again become more urgent. In recent years, China has become a key player in global development as a leading source of…
New Faces in Chinese Politics Conference
Scholars in Chinese politics at six universities have formed a Consortium on New Faces in Chinese Politics and rotated organizing New Faces in Chinese Politics conferences at their home institutions, with the first…
The Arc of Chinese Economy
CSCC 9th Annual Conference
Support of this conference by the China Research and Engagement Fund of the University of Pennsylvania is gratefully acknowledged.
Penn CSCC-NYU Shanghai CASER Workshop on Inequalities and Child Development
Workshop Papers Download Link (for participants; password protected)
CSCC 10th Anniversary & Postdoc Reunion Symposium
June 3, 9:15 -10:15 AM
Opening Remarks
Haohan Chen, University of Hong Kong
Listen to the Party! Understanding Emotional Propaganda in Authoritarian China with An Audio-As…
The Party Leads All: The Evolving Role of the Chinese Communist Party
Examining the past, current, and potential future roles of the Communist Party in governing China
This book launch conference will be held on-site, but with a Zoom option.
To participate by Zoom, please register to receive a Zoom link: …
Cybernationalism in China and the World: Populism, Identity, and Symbolic Politics in the Digital Age
This one-day symposium brings together distinguished scholars from around the world to address important questions about the technological and symbolic aspects of nationalism and populism and their implications for…
Narratives of COVID-19 in China and the World: Technology, Society, and Nations
This virtual, international two-day symposium will examine narratives of COVID-19 in China and the world, considering topics like technology, society, and nations. This event is co-sponsored by …
Non-western Model: Urban and Rural China in Transition
This two-day event is organized by Urban China Collective at Penn, will focus on China’s opportunities and challenges today from the perspective of urban planning, design, economy, and governance. Please see details…